Pius Fox – Fragments

Pius Fox – Fragments

We are showing new works by Berlin artist Pius Fox, whose development we have been following since 2010.

With the exhibition title “Fragments”, Fox refers to the fact that the fragmentary and unfinished, the detail or the fragment are generally recurring themes in his work. In his paintings, for example, he has taken up an antique torso, details from historical paintings or photographs, sign-like forms or pictorial structures that explore the tension between three-dimensionality and flatness.

The new canvas paintings and pastels are complemented by works on glass, more precisely on fragments of glass plates. Fox is thus building on his reverse glass paintings, which he has been working on from time to time since 2015.

With the glass fragments, attention is drawn more strongly to form and color than with a classic rectangular picture format. The result is an “object” somewhere between a panel painting and a wall sculpture.

The glass fragments perhaps shed light once again on the artist’s fundamental search for the definition of a picture itself. Throughout his entire oeuvre, there are pictures that thematize edges, frames, windows, doors or transitions to something else. In many of his paintings of recent years, a work seems to want to go beyond its physical edge, perhaps indicating that it is never quite finished or that it could develop into something else.

What defines a painting, when is a painting a “whole”, when is it finished and stands for itself or when does it remain a fragment, a sketch of an idea or a reference to something else?

In cooperation with Galerie Conrads, Pius Fox’s last exhibition with Galerie Conrads will take place there parallel to our exhibition.


opening: 19.10.2024, 6 – 9 pm

exhibition: 19.October – 21.Dec.2024

opening hours: Wen. – Sat., 1 – 6 pm and by appointment